PAUL STANLEY: Chicago Concert To Be Filmed For Possible DVD

November 4, 2006

KISS guitarist/vocalist Paul Stanley's solo concert at the House of Blues in Chicago this Monday, November 6 will be filmed for possible DVD release, according to a posting on Stanley's web site.

Paul cancelled his appearance on the syndicated radio program "The Bob & Tom Show" as well as his Milwaukee concert Friday (Nov. 3) after being ordered by his throat doctor to take several days off from performing to rest his voice. His KISS Fragrance promotional appearance today in Detroit and the rest of the "Live to Win" tour will proceed as scheduled.

Paul Stanley's new solo album, "Live To Win", came out on October 24 and sold just under 17,000 copies in the United States during its first week of release to land at position No. 53 of The Billboard 200 chart.

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